Notes from Vernon 1/31/2013:
Cleopatra Boyd Harvey Pack was called Pate by her family. She was married to Andrew Jackson Pack.
Her children Vernon recalls: Ester Eunice Pack, Omer Pack, Ralph (children of Cleopatra and Andrew Pack), daughters: Ethel (called by the family "little Ethel), Annie (married Fred Russell).
Omer married Lorna. Lorna was the daughter of Ali (pronounced A-lye) Lilly and Teneria (pronounced Tin-era).
Ester married Ora Cooper
Ralph married Lydia Johnson (father Abraham Johnson) The Adkins/Harvey cemetery was once the Johnson family cemetery by name (at Streeter).
Ethel never married. She was a spinster.
There were other children, but Vernon doesn't recall them off the top of his head.